Thursday, May 5, 2016

A typical date with Dung's family.

Barbara likes to hang around with this local family headed by a Vietnamese woman named, Dung, pronounced Yum, as in Yuma, Arizona.  Every date with Dung turns into an all day event (see Vung Tau Beach post).  Today, Barbara requested assistance with a haircut for her and Arin, so at 10:30 am, Dung and family pick up Barbara and Arin in their van.  The first thing Dung asks Barbara is "Are you hungry?" Barbara was determined not to make this another marathon day so answered no.  Dung and gang head to the hairdresser where we spent an hour because Barbara agreed to a 30 minute shampoo???  The haircut was great and we were on track for a short day until the hairdresser decided she could not cut Arin's hair short enough and decided he must go to a barber.  Dung has one near her house so we pick up food on the way.  As soon as we arrive, Dung invites Nhu and her mother (who had just left our house an hour earlier) to the big event that "Barbara and Arin are here."   Arin finally gets a haircut at 3pm when the shops reopen and we await our friends' arrival.  Dung keeps telling us 5 minutes, but it is actually another hour until our friends arrive.  Once Nhu arrives, things take a turn for the better because she can translate  Usually we do not know what is going on so Barbara finds herself waiting and waiting for who knows what, then gets driven who knows where. Nhu's mom invites everyone to coffee but Dung says it is too hot so we literally sit in a circle on the floor for an hour jabbering in the heat of the house.  At 6 o'clock, Nhu informs me the decision has been made to go to coffee near her college, but we must wait for the Buddhist ladies.  Two ladies arrive an hour later so Barbara hops up but finds to her dismay that we are waiting for yet another lady.  Barbara approaches Nhu about skipping coffee hour, but Nhu really wants her to see the college campus.  Finally the last lady arrives and we go to a cute little college area where Barbara has a raspberry smoothie.  All is well, all is well, the smoothie was delicious, the college village worth seeing, but can we go home how?  No, Nhu tells Barbara as we drop Nhu off at her dorm, the ladies must visit the Big C supermarket.   So we visit the market.  Barbara was tired, but Arin said it was like being a movie watching these three ladies who were the oldest and roundest in the store.  The day ended with the 7 of us trouncing through the parking lot at 7:30 pm sharing a baquette.  Hallejuh, we are home at 8 pm!  Oh yes, I forget to tell you, in the middle this marathon, everyone insisted that Arin's shirt is too hairy so he must take a shower and borrow one of Mr. Thang's shirts.  Arin opts to go and change at home, and being a good sport, he returns to the party.  You know, we really did not have anything else to do today, so why not....

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