Monday, April 11, 2016

grocery shoppig late night with Tony

Since Barbara is no longer at the school, she is able to take on private lessons.  She has started a club called Coffee and Conversation whereas she invites anyone to join her for casual conversation 3 mornings a week at Tony Cafe.  One of the regulars is Tony.  He met Barbara when she substituted in his adult English class at the school, and now he is one of our best friends. Tony wants to take Arin along next time he and his wife grocery shop, since he knows we usually have to go by taxi. Here's how it goes when someone in Vietnam offers you an  invitation....This morning at breakfast, Arin was invited to shop with Tony and his wife.  Most of the day passed without hearing from him. 8 pm Arin receives a text and it is time to go.  By this time of night, Arin has settled in and not interested in going, but he really likes Tony ( a 58 year old man) and out of respect, agreed to go.  So, Arin heads out to the elevator and within moments he has returned.  UGHHHHH, guess what, Barbara has to go too.  Oh, well, time to get out of the pajamas and get dressed she says.  Anyway, with this trip as with all others, it is topped off with a street side coffee.  Getting coffee can also mean, and in this case does mean, getting a (Sinh to (smoothie) or ep (fruit juice).  At the coffee stand, Tony's wife, Thuy purchased some avocados and Barbara told her about guacamole, a Mexican chip dip containing avocados, lime, and sometimes garlic, tomatoes or peppers. As soon as Thuy heard this, she promptly gave them to Barbara and announced that she and Tony would be coming to our home tomorrow night to taste some. Now you must remember, Tony is an English student and Thuy doesn't speak English, so there is always somewhat of a language barrier in every conversation. Barbara must had unknowingly offered an invitation.?.?.?

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